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Underwater Dive

Test Packages 


The following hormones can be tested: 

  • Cortisol an important hormone for stress management and day-night-rythm 

  • DHEA an essential hormone for our immune system, normal levels are essential to maintain brain function and memory

  • Estradiol (E2) the strongest type of oestrogen, female formative hormone

  • Estriol (E3) the main mucosal hormone

  • Progesterone essential balance for oestrogen. It has a naturally calming effect which can improve mood and sleep. 

  • Testosterone a male formative sex hormone 


Test Package 1

Testosteron + Progesteron + Estradiol (E2) + Estriol (E3) 

  124.58 €

Testosteron + Progesteron + Estradiol (E2) + Estriol (E3) + Cortisol (morgens)

  149.93 €


Testosteron + Progesteron + Estradiol (E2) + Estriol (E3) + DHEA

  151.10 €

Test Package 1+

Test Package 2

Test Package 2+

Testosteron + Progesteron + Estradiol (E2) + Estriol (E3) + DHEA + Cortisol (morning))

 176.45 €

Testosteron + Progesteron + Estradiol (E2) + Estriol (E3) + DHEA + 3x Cortisol

  227.15 €


Day of cycle 11: Estradiol + Estriol + Testosteron 

Day of cycle 20: Progesteron + Estradiol

  151.10 €

Test Package 3

Test Package 4

Test Package 5

Progesteron + Estradiol (E2) + Estriol (E3)

 98.06 €

Progesteron + Estradiol (E2) + Estriol (E3) (only for hormone checks during pregnancy)

98.06 €


Progesteron + DHEA+ Estradiol (E2) + Estriol (E3)

124.08 €

Test Package 6

Test Package 7

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Test Package 8

Melatonin + Cortisol (evening test)

80.22 €

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