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Dairy Allergy

Dairy Allergy

Dairy allergy or intolerance

GL&Wheat Allergy

GL&Wheat Allergy

Allergy or Intolerance to Gluten and Grain



Nervousness, irritability, problems sleeping & concentrating

Respiratory Problems

Respiratory Problems

Polluted air increases risk for respiratory diseases

Pet Allergies

Pet Allergies

Reaction to harmless saliva, dander & excretion



Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity EHS

Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic Rhinitis

Also known as Hey Fever



Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Pets with allergies

Pets with allergies

NAET ideal for Pets

What is an Allergy?

In NAET, allergies are viewed from a holistic perspective based on Oriental medical principles. An allergy is a condition of unusual sensitivity of one person to one or more substances which may be harmless to the majority of other individuals. In the allergic person, the allergic substance, known as an allergen, is viewed by the immune system as a threat to the body's well-being.


For our purposes, an allergy is defined in terms of what a substance does to the energy flow in the body. When contact is made with an allergen, it causes blockages in the energy pathways called meridians, or we can say, it disrupts the normal flow of energy through the body's electrical circuits.


This energy blockage causes interference in communication between the brain and body via the nervous system. This blocked energy flow is the first step in a chain of events that can develop into an allergic response.

Allergies are the result of energy imbalances in the body, leading to a diminished state of health in one or more organ systems.



We now know that most illnesses (i.e. headaches, back aches, joint pains, addiction, PMS, indigestion, cough, body aches, etc.) are often caused by undiagnosed allergies. When left untreated, allergies can become serious life threatening illnesses. 


The brain provides warnings to the body whenever blockages occur within the energy pathways. These warnings include illness, pain, inflammation, fever, heart attacks, strokes, abnormal growths, tumours, and various physical, physiological and psychological discomforts. If the symptoms are minor, blockages are minor.


If the symptoms are major, blockages are major. Minor blockages can be unblocked easily, whereas major blockages take a long time to unblock.


Dr. Nambudripad's discovery, NAET is an innovative and completely natural method for regaining better health with often permanent freedom from sensitivities and the diseases arising from those sensitivities.

Gower Allergy Clinic

Address: 43 Queen's Rd, The Mumbles, Swansea SA3 4AW

Tel: 07766 142080




  • Gower Allergy Clinic & NAET does NOT claim to cure Allergies of food, chemical and environmental sensitivities

  • Gower Allergy Clinic & NAET does NOT diagnose disease

  • This information is not intended as medical advice, and should not be relied upon as a substitute for consultation with your Doctor who is familiar with your medical needs

  • testimonials & reviews describes only one person’s experience and is not a guarantee, promise, or reflection of the feelings of every user

  • Gower Allergy Clinic operates a no refund policy on purchased packages 

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